May Day 2010
Written by FN Brill We’re celebrating the 124th anniversary of a General Strike held to win the 8 hour work day. That General Strike of May 1, ...
Are You a Wage Slave?
Surely having to work for a wage or a salary is a modern form of slavery?
On the Republic Windows Sit-in
Written by FN Brill The occupation of the Republic Windows and Doors factory in Chicago has ended. Certainly this has been an inspiring event. One hopes the sit-in will inspire ...
Why the Economic Crisis?
Written by FN Brill The WSP has produced three leaflets (in pdf format) meant to aid working people to understand the causes of the current economic crisis: “Booms ...
Good Cap, Bad Cap
The credit crisis has tarnished the image of capitalism but its defenders may help it live on by pinning all of the blame on financiers.