Classic Archive
The Sit-down Strikes in America (1937)
From the April 1937 issue of The Socialist Standard America, we have often been told, is the great land of “Liberty”. They boast there of their “Liberty Statue” and ...
Bogdanov, Technocracy and Socialism (2007)
From the April 2007 issue of The Socialist Standard The terms “Bolshevism” and “Leninism” are usually treated as synonyms. In view of Lenin’s enormous influence over the ...
Archives, Book Review, Economics
Build It Now? (2007)
Book Review from Issue 21 of The World Socialist Review Build It Now: Socialism For The Twenty-First Century by Michael A. Lebowitz Marx wrote: “Men make their own history, ...
The United States and Imperialism (1986)
From the Summer 1986 issue of The World Socialist The history of US imperialism dates back to the times of the foundation of the nation. Whether making ...
Ballyhoo and Baloney (2008)
From the October 2008 issue of The Socialist Standard The National Conventions of the Democratic and Republican Parties have become forums for putting the finishing touches on the ...
WPA Strikes (1939)
From the December 1939 issue of The Western Socialist Karl Marx, in his writings, predicted that some day the capitalists would have to take care of their slaves; that ...
A Starvation Society (1976)
From the Spring 1976 issue of The Western Socialist This is one of a series of articles that appeared in The Lance, published by the Student Media, University ...
Lenin vs. Marx (1976)
From the Spring 1976 issue of the Western Socialist This is one of a series of articles that appeared in The Lance, published by the Student Media, University of Windsor ...
Lenin . . . Reviewed (1976)
Book Review from the Fall 1976 issue of The Western Socialist Lenin as Philosopher by Anton Pannekoek, Merlin Press, 11 Fitzroy Square, London, W.l. The Russian State proclaims ...
The God That Failed (1950)
Book Review from the June-July 1950 issue of The Western Socialist The God That Failed edited by Richard Crossman [Harper & Brother] Six (presumably) wise men, tending ...