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Alan Johnstone

Class, Economics, Politics

Bernie Sanders and Workers Control

The idea of “workers’ control” or “industrial democracy” is now being  discussed in American political circles. Even some of the more far-sighted employers now support the idea ...

2 min read

Archives, Class, History

A Hundred Years Ago: The Winnipeg General Strike

From the May 2019 issue of The Socialist Standard ‘The Winnipeg Strike will go down in history as a magnificent example of working-class solidarity and courage’ (Bill Pritchard). In February ...

5 min read

Capitalism, Class, Environment

Lead Poisoning in Flint, Michigan

By Alan Johnstone The wheels of justice turn slowly. Lead poisoning also acts slowly, but is no less pernicious for that. The city of Flint’s water crisis ...

2 min read

Politics, Socialism

Bernie Sanders Bows Out

Having acquired less delegates than Hillary Clinton in the primaries, Bernie Sanders has endorsed her as the Democratic candidate for the US presidency in the elections in ...

2 min read