
Climate, Environment, History, Socialism, Work

Jonestown: In the Name of Socialism

Jonestown was an agricultural settlement in the rainforest of Guyana, near the northern coast of South America, set up in 1974 by members of a church known ...

2 min read

Capitalism, Climate, Environment, Science

Profit Versus Survival: Denying Climate Change

Global warming first came to wide public attention in the late 1980s. A crucial turning point was the presentation that climate scientist James Hansen made to Congress ...

4 min read

Book Review, Climate, Environment, Technology

Book Review: Charles Windsor, Harmony

The Prince of Wales [Charles Windsor], Harmony: A New Way of Looking at the World.With Tony Juniper and Ian Skelly. HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2010 This book is about climate ...

2 min read

Environment, International relations

Deep Sea Mining — Yet Another Threat to the Environment

When there is little benefit to states, particular treaties that promote the interests of humanity as a whole can usually be concluded. Such would be the Antarctica ...

3 min read

Environment, International relations, Science, Socialism

Viewing Earth From Space

There was an interesting discussion recently on the Quora website. It’s about what Earth looks like from space and the impact that seeing Earth from space has ...

3 min read

Climate, Environment, International relations

The Heat To Come

Is climate change approaching a turning point? Heatwaves in the US, Europe and South Asia impel us to ask where is the threshold to human survival, when will that threshold be crossed, and what will happen to the victims.

5 min read

Environment, History

The Right To Roam

Last Sunday was the 90th anniversary of the Kinder Scout trespass, when on April 24, 1932 hundreds of young workers walked on privately owned land in the Peak ...

1 min read

Capitalism, Class, Environment, Poetry

New Issue of Imagine

Our companion party to the north, the Socialist Party of Canada, has just issued the Winter 2021 issue of its quarterly journal, Imagine.

1 min read

Class, Environment, Housing, Work

Hanging Out Our Washing To Dry

Do you hang out your washing to dry in the sun and wind? Why do so few people in the US do this nowadays? Are there places where it is illegal?

3 min read

Environment, healthcare, Science, Technology

Beware — Cell Phones!

Cell phones are everywhere. Almost everyone has one. But there is mounting scientific evidence of the harm their radiation does to human health, especially to the health of children.

4 min read
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