Thanksgiving Myths
History does matter, which is why people in power put so much energy into controlling it. Now is the time to embrace truth, dispel the mythical fairy-tale of Thanksgiving, and reveal the harsh ...
Book Review, healthcare, History, Sport, War
Football and War
In the United States the game called either football or soccer in the rest of the world is always called soccer. American football is very different. In ...
How the Southwest Was Stolen
By Alan Johnstone Each year tens of thousands of Irish-Americans proudly celebrate their heritage on St. Patrick’s Day, yet few are aware of the fate of the ...
History, International relations, police, Politics
A Cold War Enigma: Who Began East Europe’s Stalinist Purges?
From 1948—1954, a paranoid Stalin oversaw massive purges in Eastern Europe's Soviet-bloc countries. But did the CIA exploit his paranoia to 'weaken communism'?
The Right To Roam
Last Sunday was the 90th anniversary of the Kinder Scout trespass, when on April 24, 1932 hundreds of young workers walked on privately owned land in the Peak ...
1877: A Legacy To Celebrate
Workers' struggles fill many of the forgotten pages of American history. The great labor uprising of 1877 is a case in point.
Another War To Condemn
It now appears that the Russian Federation has launched a full-scale attack upon Ukraine. The World Socialist Movement is not concerned with the so-called rights and wrongs ...