Archives, Capitalism, News, Politics, Socialism
Trump’s Economist Advisors Seeing Red Everywhere (2018)
From the December 2018 issue of The Socialist Standard The word ‘socialism’ is more attractive than scary these days—and that has the White House worried. Two hundred ...
Capitalism, Class, Evolution, Human Nature, Socialism
Human Nature and How It Can Save Us
Talk given by Karla Rab at the Community Church of Boston on May 3rd, 2015 “Socialism — A nice Idea, but it’ll never work because it’s against ...
Capitalism, Class, Politics, Socialism
Clash of the Nincompoops — The 2016 Presidential Election
Talk given by Ron Elbert at the Community Church of Boston, November 13, 2016 You might have seen clips of House Speaker Paul Ryan warning a crowd in ...
The World Socialist Party of the United States Turns 100
From the July 2016 issue of The Socialist Standard It is now just a century since the World Socialist Party established itself in the USA. Other such ...
Bernie Sanders Bows Out
Having acquired less delegates than Hillary Clinton in the primaries, Bernie Sanders has endorsed her as the Democratic candidate for the US presidency in the elections in ...
Archives, Capitalism, Economics, Socialism
A TV Program: The Sanity of Socialism
ARCHIVE: This is the script of a television program produced by members of our party and aired in Boston in 1975, reproduced from the journal of the ...
Council Communist
Book Review from the February 2016 issue of the Socialist Standard ‘Marxism in a Lost Century: A Biography of Paul Mattick‘, by Gary Roth. Chicago. Haymarket Books, ...
Capitalism, Class, Economics, Politics, Socialism, War
Socialism as a Practical Alternative
A talk given by Ron Elbert at the Community Church of Boston on May 11, 2014(with minor edits for context) Since the keyword in the title of ...
Capitalism, Class, Economics, News, Politics, Socialism, Terror, War, Work
Profit Hotel (Dirty Gossip About Capitalism)
A look at the connection between war, the security state, and capitalism.