
History, News, police, Politics, Terror

Pogroms — from Russia to Palestine

How Palestinians are subject to a Pogrom, even today.

5 min read

Imprisonment, Terror, War

Israeli Teens Refuse To Join Army

Conscientious objector Einat Gerlitz, 19, explains why she refuses to participate in the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

2 min read

History, Terror, War

How the Southwest Was Stolen

By Alan Johnstone Each year tens of thousands of Irish-Americans proudly celebrate their heritage on St. Patrick’s Day, yet few are aware of the fate of the ...

11 min read

History, Terror

Slavery and Genocide in California

California was home to an estimated 150,000 indigenous people. But they were too weak and too peaceable to put up much resistance to the hordes of armed European invaders. They were easily wiped out and – except by a few experts -- easily forgotten.  

2 min read

History, International relations, News, Terror

Pogrom Against Palestinians in Jerusalem

The US Congress reaffirms its unconditional support for Israel despite the anti-Palestinian pogrom in Jerusalem. A satirical sketch

3 min read

Class, Terror

The Black Death Stalks the USA

Are police killings of unarmed citizens a matter of race, class, or both?

5 min read

Politics, Terror, War

Reflections on July 4

'Patriotic' appeals to 'support our troops' are based on lies and emotional blackmail. We support US troops by seeking to free them from military slavery.

2 min read

Archives, History, Terror, Uncategorized

Leonard Peltier and the Primal Needs of Capital* (2004)

From Issue 19 of The World Socialist Review In a remote section of South Dakota just north of Nebraska lies an Indian reservation known as Pine Ridge. At ...

3 min read

Capitalism, Class, Economics, News, Politics, Socialism, Terror, War, Work

Profit Hotel (Dirty Gossip About Capitalism)

A look at the connection between war, the security state, and capitalism.

3 min read