We are glad to announce that the second issue of our new journal, World Socialist, is out!
It starts with a look at the dark side of antidepressants (Drugs to drive you nuts: delights for the depressed). Next comes an article about the struggle of homeless squatters in California (Black Wednesday), then an interview with a member of the Minsk Socialist Circle about ‘What’s going on in Belarus?’ After that — a piece on the plight of Wikileaks journalist Julian Assange; an analysis of ‘What to expect from Biden and Harris’, the next in our series of personal accounts of ‘How I became a socialist’; and, as always, Reviews and Funnies.
For the electronic version of the issue use this link:
World Socialist No. 2 (Winter 2021)
For the print version go to:
World Socialist No. 2 (Winter 2021)
We would appreciate your contributing a review on lulu.com.