Month: December 2021

Class, Politics

Trump’s ‘Blue-collar’ Image

Donald Trump still struts on the American political scene. It seems probable that he will stand again for president in 2024. This article considers one important aspect of his popular appeal – his carefully cultivated ‘blue-collar’ image.  

4 min read

History, Terror

Slavery and Genocide in California

California was home to an estimated 150,000 indigenous people. But they were too weak and too peaceable to put up much resistance to the hordes of armed European invaders. They were easily wiped out and – except by a few experts -- easily forgotten.  

2 min read

Capitalism, Class, Environment, Poetry

New Issue of Imagine

Our companion party to the north, the Socialist Party of Canada, has just issued the Winter 2021 issue of its quarterly journal, Imagine.

1 min read


Principle Three

In the last issue of the World Socialist, we explained Clause Two of the World Socialist Movement’s Declaration of Principles, which is regarding the class struggle — ...

2 min read