
History, Politics

Solidarity Forged From the Chains of Slavery

By Alan Johnstone February is black history month. With conservatives challenging Critical Race Theory, there’s one thing we must always remember when studying history — it is the victors ...

7 min read

Class, History, Politics

Before and Without Marx: Chartist Thought

The ideas of Marx did not arise out of thin air. They grew out of the works of many others before him. Here we focus upon the independent thought that developed within the working class and that Marx would incorporate into his own conception of the world around him.  

6 min read

History, Terror

Slavery and Genocide in California

California was home to an estimated 150,000 indigenous people. But they were too weak and too peaceable to put up much resistance to the hordes of armed European invaders. They were easily wiped out and – except by a few experts -- easily forgotten.  

2 min read

History, Labor movement, Work

Why Celebrate Labor Day?

Why do the United States and Canada commemorate Labor Day on the first Monday in September and not, as in many other countries, on the first of May?

5 min read

Capitalism, Class, History, Politics, Socialism

Eugene Debs and the World Socialist Movement

A collection of quotations from the speeches and writings of Eugene Debs (1855—1926). He was a prominent trade union organizer, socialist writer and speaker.

11 min read

Class, History

Frederick Douglass: The Scottish Connection

Alan Johnstone describes the connection of the great anti-slavery writer and orator Frederick Douglass with Scotland.

4 min read

Capitalism, History, Socialism

Has the Era of Social Revolution Arrived?

Our comrade Mike Schauerte recently recorded a half-hour talk with this title on the Discord system. To listen to the talk please follow the links.

1 min read

History, International relations, News, Terror

Pogrom Against Palestinians in Jerusalem

The US Congress reaffirms its unconditional support for Israel despite the anti-Palestinian pogrom in Jerusalem. A satirical sketch

3 min read

Capitalism, Class, History, Marxism

Principle One

One of the many things I love about the World Socialist Movement is how long it’s been around. The Socialist Party of Great Britain was founded in ...

3 min read

Class, History, Marxism, Politics, Socialism

Humanity or the Proletariat? The Turner Controversy Reviewed

Renowned public speaker Tony Turner was a member of the SPGB from 1931—1955, when he resigned to end a bitter internal conflict over his controversial views.

4 min read